

CANNAKI® is considered a fountain of youth thanks to its perfect mineralisation. The unique composition of calcium, magnesium and hydrogen carbonate is also the optimal remedy against a hangover following all-night celebrations. According to a study by the Geotechnical Institute in Vienna, the crystal clear water has been stored in the springs of Deutschkreutz for some 37,000 years. Shielded from all environmental pollution, it is a true treasure of central Burgenland.

Alps Water

Water Contents
CANNAKI® is a superior quality drinking water from a natural artesian source deep in the beautiful Austrian Alps. Naturally alkaline (pH 8.3) and high in naturally dissolved oxygen (10 mg/l). The artesian water rises to the surface naturally, and is bottled without pumping or additional pressurisation. No filters, heating or other treatments are applied. Nothing is added or removed.
Carbonated Water
Carbonated water, also known as soda water, sparkling water, or seltzer, is water with carbon dioxide bubbles added to provide fizz and refreshment.
Biotin is also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H. This vitamin plays a crucial role in metabolism. Biotin deficiency has a negative effect on the carbohydrates, protein and fat metabolism. This can lead to limited function of the biotin-dependent carboxylases. Symptoms may include skin disorders, depression, faintness, drowsiness, muscle pain, nausea, hair loss, lack of appetite as well as disorders of the heart function and anaemia. In addition, susceptibility to infection is also increased. Biotin is important for healthy skin, hair and nails, as well as for the muscle cells and reproduction. The fat and carbohydrate metabolism functions are also dependent on biotin.
Calcium is needed by the body in close interaction with magnesium for the heart, metabolism and muscle function. Calcium strengthens the bones and plays a significant part in bone and teeth formation. It provides the natural beauty of the skin, hair and nails and allows our muscles to work optimally. FUNCTION & DETAILS Calcium is the mineral that is found in the highest quantity in the human organism. Calcium can be found in particular in bones and teeth and provides them with stability and strength. At the same time, the bones serve as a depository for calcium. In case of calcium deficiency, some of it can be released from the bones and made available for other tasks. In some cases, calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, in particular in older people. Within the cells, calcium plays a part in activating the muscles and nerves. Outside of the cells, calcium plays a part in blood clotting and maintaining the cell membranes. Increased intake of calcium contributes to preventing osteoporosis. Furthermore, calcium is also an important factor in diagnosing the bones. In particular for children still growing, during pregnancy and the lactation period, there is a higher need for calcium. The body can absorb calcium from mineral water particularly well, as the mineral is already found in dissolved form in the water. Our Starzinger product tip
Chloride is among the minerals which make up more than 50 mg per kilo body weight. Chloride is important for the body's acid-base balance and in dissolved form is a component of the bones.FUNCTION & DETAILS Chloride is absorbed through food, i.e. mostly in the form of sodium chloride in table salt or through water or mineral water. For the average adult, the daily requirement is covered by as little as 2 pinches of salt.Ingesting too little chloride may lead to muscle weakness, and chloride deficiency during the growth period may lead to growth disturbances. Chloride deficiency may in some circumstances also occur as a result of vomiting or diarrhoea, thus sufficient intake is of great importance in this case.
Hydrogen Carbonate
Hydrogen carbonate is among the so-called buffering systems in the body and ensures that the pH-value in the body fluids remains constant and the acid-base balance is regulated. FUNCTION & DETAILS In our world of indulgence, in which the human organism has to cope with very high amounts of acid on a daily basis which are generated by excessive consumption of protein, sugar, fat, coffee and alcohol, hydrogen carbonate is the natural regulator. Hydrogen carbonates are odourless substances. Hydrogen carbonate is medically used against heartburn in order to bind excess gastric acid. The alkaline effect also boosts excretion of uric acid, thus helping to prevent gout and urinary stones. Furthermore, hydrogen carbonate has an anti-inflammatory effect when combined with calcium und magnesium. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Markl (Institute for Medical Physiology at Vienna University) recommends regimens of drinking mineral water types containing hydrogen carbonate to support the treatment of diabetes type II, weight-loss programs and as a sports drink.
Iron is an important component of the blood pigment haemoglobin and the muscle pigment. One of iron's most important factors is its role in transporting oxygen in the blood. FUNCTION & DETAILS The daily requirement for an adult man is about 10 mg of iron. Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia, signs of weakness and a drop in performance, physical as well as mental. Women pre-menopause often suffer from iron deficiency as a result of menstruation. In order to counteract this, they should take some additional 15 mg of iron per day. Furthermore, women also lose around 1,000 mg of iron during childbirth. Surgery or injuries also lead to a higher need for iron. By taking Vitamin C at the same time, the absorption of iron is significantly increased. Iron can be found in particularly high concentration in foods such as meat, pulses and whole-grain bread. Simultaneous consumption of dairy products, coffee or black tea, however, inhibits the absorption of iron. Even though iron is important for humans, too much iron may have a toxic effect on the body. A surplus of iron increases the susceptibility to certain contagious diseases, and presents a risk of higher susceptibility to and mortality from tuberculosis. CANNAKI Mineral Water- 0.005 mg / l Iron
Iodine is an essential component in the animal and human organism and is absorbed through food. But iodine also occurs naturally in water. In humans, the highest concentration is found in the thyroid gland. FUNCTION & DETAILS In the organism, iodine's main role is to support the production of thyroid hormones. The iodine reserve in the human body is estimated at 10 to 30 milligrams. Iodine deficiency initially leads to euthyroids goitre. It is only pronounced iodine deficiency that also leads to hypothyreosis. Since the thyroid hormones fulfil essential functions in regulating metabolism processes in almost every cell of the body, an underactive thyroid can result in serious metabolism and developmental disorders. Iodine deficiency in drinking water and food it is usually responsible for the occurrence of goitre and with that a lack of iodine. As prevention, consuming salt-water fish once or twice a week as well as using so-called iodised salt (table salt with sodium or potassium iodate) is recommended.
Potassium Potassium has a blood sugar producing effect and plays a role in the physiological processes in every cell. Potassium is also an important component of the digestive juices in the human gastrointestinal system.FUNCTION & DETAILS Potassium is an essential mineral for maintaining life. In order to maintain all vital physiological processes, it is recommended to consume at least 2 g of potassium a day. The Food and Nutrition Board of the USA and Canada, however, considers an intake of 4.7 g/day (120 mmol/day) as appropriate for preventive purposes. This amount of potassium (from food) is required based on new findings in order to prevent, alleviate or delay the onset of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, sensitivity to table salt, kidney stones, loss of bone mass or strokes. Potassium is a natural opponent to sodium. A balanced proportion of both minerals is of particular importance for regulating physiological processes. Potassium is of great importance for regulating blood pressure. An increased intake of potassium goes hand-in-hand with lowering blood pressure and the risk of strokes. Potassium is among the most important electrolytes in body fluids and is co-responsible for controlling muscle activity. In competitive athletes, excessive transpiration of potassium can lead to cramps and states of exhaustion. As potassium is highly soluble in water, the potassium content in food can be significantly reduced by means of soaking in water for approx. three to five hours. This is especially important for people with kidney and metabolic disorders.
Carbonic Acid
Carbonic Acid Carbon dioxide is an acid and the product of carbon dioxide reacting with water. Carbonic acid plays an important role in the acid-base balance, both when it comes to the water as well as the blood and body fluids. FUNCTION & DETAILS That familiar sparkling triggered by CO² also makes for good circulation in the oral mucosa, thus stimulating saliva production. The sparkling also makes the stomach feel full, which is why athletes, for example, prefer water which is not or only slightly carbonated. The carbon dioxide also has an antibacterial effect, thus keeping the product, i.e. the water, fresh for longer.
Sodium is important to the human organism. It regulates the fluid balance and is essential for all nerve and muscle cells. Athletes in particular should pay attention to their water balance in general and of course also to their sodium balance, as otherwise disruptions may occur when transmitting nerve impulses, as well as muscle cramps or debility.FUNCTION & DETAILS The human body with an average body weight of 70 kg contains around 100 g of sodium. Humans should ingest around 1-3 g of sodium per day. As already mentioned, the sodium level is responsible for the water regulation in the body. In case of the sodium level being too low or high, it is primarily the brain function that will be affected. The kidney is the key organ for ensuring regulation. In case of a surplus of sodium, this holds back the water in the body in order to dilate the sodium and then excrete this. For sodium deficiency, it's just the other way around. More water is excreted and the sodium retained. Sodium often has a poor reputation. However, with proper interaction of hydrogen carbonate and sodium, the established opinion that sodium has the same effect as table salt is disproven. We recommend you ingest sodium in its natural form, such as through mineral water containing sodium.
Nitrate The WHO in 1980 prescribed a limit value of 50 mg / l per day for ingesting nitrate. Nitrate is ingested through food or drinking water and harmless for adults without any intestinal intolerances, when observing the recommended level.FUNCTION & DETAILS Nitrates are formed in the ground and in waters. Vegetable organisms use nitrate as a source of nitrogen, and the surplus which is not absorbed accumulates in the ground and is flushed out again with the rain or snowmelt into the lower soil layers and groundwater. The reason for health risks lies in the danger of the nitrate being reduced to nitrogen and the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines. Such a transformation is generated by corresponding bacteria in the gut on the one hand, on the other hand the salivary glands can also reduce the washed-up nitrate through the blood. Low-nitrate mineral water is recommended for preparing baby and infant food, as otherwise they may suffer from poor oxygen supply in the body and cyanosis. As opposed to this, though, nitrates are also used in medicine, such as for producing a drug for vascular dilation, as nitrate is an efficient oxygen provider. Compared to tap water which, as mentioned above, must not exceed a recommended value of 50 mg / l, mineral water boasts very low nitrate values which are well below the limit for tap water. In addition, mineral water is protected from environmental influences such as fertilisers and light, as the springs are all located deep below the soil and are subject to regular testing. We recommend mineral water which can be declared as baby mineral water thanks to its low nitrate content for preparing baby food. According to the Austrian Beverage Institute A-1180 Vienna, Frankenmarkter mineral water in particular meets all requirements for preparing infant food thanks to its balanced minerals and particularly low nitrate levels.
sulphate The sulphate content in drinking water or in mineral water can aid digestion if found in sufficient concentration. Those who regularly drink mineral water containing sulphate can stimulate the bowel function in a natural way, thus preventing constipation. In particular in interaction with magnesium and calcium, the effect of sulphate may be intensified.FUNCTION & DETAILS Sulphates are found in groundwater in various quantities. The German drinking water ordinance prescribes a limit of 250 mg / l for drinking water extracted from this. The natural sulphur compound sulphate is considered to play a part in the formation of cartilage, structure of proteins and stability of skin and hair. Furthermore, water containing sulphate can promote bile drainage and the production of digestive juices. (CANNAKI Mineral Water- 9.90 mg / l sulphate)
Vitamin A
Viatamin A Vitamin A is important for growth, the function and formation of skin and mucous membranes, for blood cells, metabolism as well as for vision. The processing of this vitamin in the body can be impaired by liver damage and taking oestrogen compounds. Recent studies show that, contrary to assumption, vitamin A can be absorbed and used by the body even through minimal amounts of fat in food.FUNCTION & DETAILS In humans, Retinal, Retinol, Retinoic acids and Retinyl palmitate count as vitamin A. Retinol maintains healthy nerve cells in the peripheral nerve pathways, in the brain and in the spinal cord. Furthermore, Retinol crucially promotes the formation of new red blood cells and facilitates the incorporation of iron. It plays a part in protein synthesis and fat metabolism in the liver, so that protein-rich food may lead to vitamin A deficiency. In case of high stress levels, the need for vitamin A also increases as stress increases the need for protein. This means that the need for Retinol also increases in case of serious illness such as arthritis, AIDS or cancer. Vitamin A plays a central role for the structure and health of the tissue, as it ensures normal cell growth not just in the skin, but also in the septums of the airways, digestive and urinary passages. It also prevents DNA-damage in skin cells, promotes their repair and normalises skin functions, such as healthy cell division of the epidermis. Vitamin A also plays a role in the formation and growth of bone, as well as healing after fractures. A sufficient supply of vitamin A is therefore important, particularly in children. The vitamin-A-acid (All-trans-retinoic acid) or its salt is an important growth factor for nerve cells during embryonic development. Retinol plays a role in the synthesis of testosterone and oestrogen. Furthermore, the quantity and shape of the sperms is dependent on optimal supply of vitamin A. Through the effect on the human mucous membranes, vitamin A it is also important for maintaining the structure and function of the spermatic duct and fallopian tube. In women, infertility and miscarriages are often associated with a deficiency of retinol. Retinol boosts the resistance to infections. Furthermore, retinol and beta-carotene boost the efficiency and number of white blood cells, additionally facilitating the production of antibodies. Long cooking times, oxygen and light harm vitamin A. That's why food containing vitamin A should always be stored unpeeled or packaged and away from direct light. Cooking losses are between 10 and 30 percent. The body can barely break down excess vitamin A, which is why it easily accumulates in the body, in particular in the liver.
Vitamin B5
Viatamin B5 Pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, is a water-soluble vitamin and primarily known as an anti-inflammatory.FUNCTION & DETAILS The requirement of 6 mg / day is normally met by our regular diet. Under-supply is very rare, but may occur in connection with, for example, bowel disease, alcohol abuse or chronic infections. The main functions of vitamin B5 in the human body include defending against stress by producing corticoids such as cortisol, energy production, fat reduction and efficient use of fat and body tissue formation.
Vitamin B6
Viatamin B6 Vitamin B6 is found in low doses in almost all food of plant and animal origin.FUNCTION & DETAILS Because vitamin B6 is found in almost all food, deficiency symptoms are rare. They mostly occur in connection with a lack of some other water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B6 helps the body convert protein, fats and carbohydrates and promotes growth in children. Nerves and eyesight as well as the immune system further benefit from vitamin B6. Another important function of the vitamin B6 is that of keeping the sodium- and potassium balance and to generate red blood cells.
Vitamin B12
Viatamin B2 Vitamin B12, known in professional circles as cyanocobalamin, is important for cell division and blood formation as well as for the functioning of the nervous system.FUNCTION & DETAILS The daily minimum requirement, compared to most other vitamins, is much lower with only approx. 3 micrograms for an adult. Vitamin B12 is important for muscle activity, the brain and nervous system as well as the growth and formation of red blood cells, bone formation, fat conversion and the mucous membranes. To this comes a positive effect against stress and better mental freshness. The first signs of vitamin B-12 deficiency in adults may include tingling and coldness in the hands and feet, exhaustion and a feeling of weakness, concentration disorders and even psychoses. The human and animal body cannot produce vitamin B12 by itself. The requirement for vitamin B12 is met by consuming microorganisms which produce vitamin B12. But the consumption of meat and innards can also have a positive effect on the vitamin B-12 balance. It is believed that herbivores meet the bulk of their requirement through a symbiosis with microorganisms in their bowels. Microorganisms which produce vitamin B12 are also found in the bowels of humans, but humans cannot sufficiently meet their requirement for vitamin B12 in this way. That's because in people, vitamin B12 is produced mainly in the large intestine, but absorption can take place only in the terminal ileum (just before the large intestine). This way, vitamin B12 generated in the large intestine is excreted.
Vitamin C
Viatamin C Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is colour- and odourless. The daily recommended intake is about 100 mg. In food, vitamins C is found mainly in fruit and vegetablesFUNCTION & DETAILS The most important function of ascorbic acid in the human organism lies in its property as a reducing agent. This means it is able to transfer electrons to other molecules. A lack of vitamin C leads to instability of collagen. With niacin and vitamin B6, vitamin C regulates the production of L-carnitine, which is required for burning fat in the muscles. It further facilitates iron resorption in the small intestine. Vitamin C is indispensable for wound healing. In addition, it plays an important role in strengthening the immune system, the conjunctive and bone tissue as well as the walls of the blood vessels. Vitamin C also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Long-term deficiency of vitamin C leads to scurvy and weakens the conjunctive tissue. If eating a balanced mixed diet, it can be assumed that the body is supplied with all vital vitamins, thus also with vitamin C, to a sufficient extent. Overdosing of vitamin C is very rare, as any surplus is simply discharged through the kidneys.
Vitamin E
Viatamin E Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, is a collective term for fat-soluble substances with antioxidant and non-antioxidant effects and is a radical quencher.FUNCTION & DETAILS Vitamin E plays a role in regulating the gonads and is thus also called an anti-sterility vitamin. The minimum requirement is 4 mg / day and in addition a supply of about 0.4 mg of unsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin E is an anticoagulant and can lead to significant improvements in symptoms in patients suffering from neurodermatitis. Deficiency signs for vitamin E include dry, wrinkly skin, concentration disorders, inefficiency, fatigue, irritability and poorly healing wounds.